Sunday, July 18, 2010


I havent posted much about anything lately as i've literally had no time! We've been so busy 'living summer' around here. We've even begun enjoying going to a beautiful swimming pool a few times a week, this has helped us cope with the long hot summer days.

I unfortuntaley don't have many photos of Reuven and all the smiling hes been doing, he is by far our most smiley baby!! he does nothing but giggle, goo goo and smile! He's growing super fast... and at 9 weeks i can now say that he's a solid all night sleeper and has been for over 3 weeks now, what a blessing those extra hours of sleep add to my day. Thank you Lord.

I will endevour to get a few more shots of him this week, and especially a few of him smiling his breath-taking smile!

here's a shot of our super strong baby... (he's been turning over since he was 3 weeks old, and has been lifting his head very high from about 4 weeks... so yes we have another super strong shalev in the family!)

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