Thursday, January 31, 2008

Our Big boy's on the move! well, almost...

Shalev's first snow at home.

Snow Glorious Snow!

Amy and Shalev..
Our Road through the forest covered with glorious snow!
Its snowed last night!!
First time in 15 years for our area. We were busy wee beavers in the snow this morning creating all sorts of snowmen and having SO much fun! Here we are with our snow friend.
Unfortunately he had a sad end when the sun came out. :-( But we had a lot of fun making him. The Kids used all their strength in creating every last detail.
Our front yard as clean as a whistle.
Our altar had a special glow of sunshine hit it this morning.. how beautiful.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hi again! we've been enjoying some super weeks with family from NZ so havent been able to maintain this blog so well. But hopefully we'll keep it up and running as time goes on. You can see a WHOLE photo album worth of photos of our wee family and even of our wedding and so on if you visit:
Let me know if for some reason that doesnt seem to go through.

Will be intouch.